Custom Javascript iOS 14 Widgets with Scriptable

Published: 17 Sept 2020

Finally creating the perfect home screen with custom javascript iOS 14 widgets using Scriptable app.

Sync Apple Workouts to Toggl with Siri Shortcuts

Published: 2 Jul 2020

Use this Siri Shortcut to instantly sync your logged Apple workouts to a project in Toggl.

JustStarted Desktop Project Time Tracker for Toggl

Published: 8 May 2020

Time tracking for projects in Toggl on Windows and Mac just got a whole lot faster.

Check tracked time in Toggl with iOS Shortcuts

Published: 31 Jan 2019

How you can use iOS Shortcuts for a one-click approach to see time logged towards a Toggl project today.

Start with a Minimum Viable Public Product (MVPP)

Published: 9 Nov 2018

How defining a Minimum Viable Public Product (MVPP) early on in the software development life cycle helps get clean code open sourced faster.

Use Toggl to track daily goal achievements

Published: 29 Oct 2018

Daily goals are great, tracking them daily not so much. The good news is that if you've already tracked the time in Toggl you don't need to do double the work.

Start Specific Toggl Timer with iOS12 Shortcuts

Published: 22 Sept 2018

Let's make a iOS 12 Shortcut that does exactly one thing: start a predefined Toggl Timer.


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