What Is an NFT Really?
Published: 3 Dec 2021Seriously what is it? In this post I explain the core concepts and then show using real examples how it all works.
Carbon Statement
Published: 16 Oct 2021This website runs on 100% renewable energy and is carbon neutral.
Every Day Stack Updates (Q2/2021)
Published: 26 Aug 2021My youtube channel side project clack labs is going really well, I got selected as an Optimizely (Episerver) MVP, and I got both my vaccinations. A great quarter I’d say.
Every Day Stack Updates (Q1/2021)
Published: 29 Mar 2021I’ve been very busy creating custom mechanical keyboard content on my youtube channel project clack labs, and I also wrote an article for the work blog.
Five tips for becoming a senior software engineer
Syndicated post | Published: 28 Jan 2021Some of my top tips on reaching the next level.
Every Day Stack Updates (Q4/2020)
Published: 27 Dec 2020An overview of some of my favourite hardware and software that I use day-to-day and how it's changed in Q4 2020.
Every Day Stack Updates (Q3/2020)
Published: 29 Oct 2020An overview of some of my favourite hardware and software that I use day-to-day and how it's changed in the past quarter.
Custom Javascript iOS 14 Widgets with Scriptable
Published: 17 Sept 2020Finally creating the perfect home screen with custom javascript iOS 14 widgets using Scriptable app.