I’ve done it again. I knew I said I wouldn’t. I went down the social media is a modern addiction rabbit hole again.
Far be it from me to tell anyone how to live their lives, all I know is I’m tired of every other website having infinite scroll.
It’s like the people who make and run these websites want me to spend all my time on there! oh wait, that’s also my job sometimes. Uhmmm.
Brushing that aside, I haven’t made a chrome plugin in quite some time and after searching for an Infinite scroll blocker type plugin I was astounded that something like that wasn’t already available.
I decided I would be the first to enter this brave new world of deliberately annoying myself on websites that I shouldn’t be on.
You can find the Infinite Scroll Blocker plugin here. It has to ask for “access to all your data” because I need to access and calculate the height of each page and then inject the annoyance (technical term) message into the page to let it do its thing.
I don’t touch your data in any form. It passed Google’s new incredibly slow approval process so you should feel a little at ease (assuming you trust Google lol). If you don’t, well feel free to look at the plugin’s code to verify.
It also works on Brave, the browser for privacy nerds like me.
I would like to add some extra features to it such as being able to whitelist some domains, setting the time between annoyances, and perhaps also how far the scroll limit is. If any of those sound like things that you really want let me know and I’ll be able to get to it sooner rather than never.
Thanks for stopping by.