Every Day Stack Updates (Q3/2020)

Published: 29 Oct 2020. Estimated read time about 6 minutes.
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Every Day Stack Updates (Q3/2020)

Welcome to the first (hopefully) quarterly update on some of the stuff I’ve been using and some that I’m definitely not anymore.

Every Day Stack logo image

First order of business: hat tip to Julian for his Inventory Update which finally introduced me to a format for this that I like. I’ve been thinking about creating a /now page for a while and even though that hasn’t come to be (ain’t nobody got time) this feels manageable.

I’ll be calling mine the Every Day Stack since, well, these are the tools that help me on the daily.

Off we go.

Added to the Stack

Proving Grounds

Removed from the Stack

That’s all for now, see you in three months, maybe.

Thanks for stopping by.

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